Tuesday, May 6, 2008

When Steroids Are Helpful For Acne Treatment

Steroids themselves may cause acne but are also useful in three very special situation:

Severe Nodular and Cystic Acne
Sometimes steroids are injected directly into the lesion. The medical term for this form of treatment is intralesional steroids. This can cause the lesion to resolve quickly, sometimes within 48 hours. The most common steroid used is triamcinolone acetonide (Kenacort or Kenalog). The problem with intralesional treatment with steroids is that improper use can cause the skin to become thin or atrophic. More widespread side effects may occur if too much steroids are used. This is why intralesional steroid therapy should be administered by a dermatologist. It is generally used as a short term or quick-fix remedy for large nodules and cysts and do not suppress the development of comedones and papules. This is why antibiotics and peeling agents are still required. The fluid inside cysts is usually aspirated (removed with a syringe and needle) before the steroid is injected.

Severe Nodulocystic Acne Associated With Fever And Joint Pains
This is a very rare and severe form of acne. Here steroids are given to reduce the inflammation and to relieve the symptoms. Fairly large oral doses are given to begin with and is then reduced gradually and withdrawn. This is again a short term remedy and other forms of acne treatment will still be necessary.

Steroid-Oestrogen Therapy
Steroids (for example prednisolone) are sometimes used with oestrogen to suppress sebum production.


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