Friday, April 11, 2008

Acne Papule Pustulent

Acne Papule Pustulent

The pustules or white or yellow spots is hurt (Blush or red base), which took place in the skin, characterized by small size, redness, blisters and similar filled with pus. These spots or pustules contain common with the large number of septic bacteria. The evolution of a pustular rash from the result in its A-suppurative points (pustular surface follicles). This pustules have in the short term will not exceed three days, then they rest and dry, acne papule pustulent also disappeared.

In this group also introduced a hidden danger spots, it causes embarrassment, acne, no one was willing to talk about. It pustulent acne lesions on his buttocks. This type of acne, which usually appears in the buttocks, not like this, in the face or shoulders. To eliminate this type of acne, only you should sit down and take a bath with the settlement aste, about one to two months.
1) degree of acne lesions acne papule pustulent:
-- Light papules p ustulent acne; when there are until 1 0 papules and pustules.
-- Papules p ustulent moderate acne;, papules and pustules have a number 1 0 and 4 0. The papules pustulent acne generally do not attain a certain degree of severe acne, because it has a weak inflammatory skin.

In a natural treatment of acne, you will be able to see how you can use our natural products. All of these young people, unfortunately his skin infection has become unsafe, shy, reserved, lonely, we will recommend them, we naturally acne papule pustulent treatment of acne lesions, and achieved very good results in a few days. Application of this natural solution is fast and effective, because in a short period of two weeks, you will be able to eliminate such discrimination, recover your self-esteem and optimism. This natural treatment can be significantly reduced with the times; for example, taking into account the 1 -2 sauna baths, accompanied by the use of the weekend with a ste diet, we recommend that you, it has to shorten the period of treatment, papules p ustulent acne. With this treatment, you will see the result after each sauna bath, you will find that your face smooth, if it continued for a month, you will see it disappear. This natural treatment can reduce the time and If, for example, you sauna bath every day, accompanied by the use of aste coupled with the diet, we suggest you.

Acne papule pustulent natural treatment for the elimination of acne lesions that, at this moment, but it does not prevent the second day of acne, because acne launch will be followed up 15 to 30 years, continuously. Not the only way to prevent the development of this type of acne is attacking its origin or the root of the problem, liver, intestine, stomach, or hormonal problems, to determine the origin of this acne. In this regard, dermatology specialist should explain the source of acne acne mention. We propose to develop a specialized diet, in accordance with the indications of dermatology physician. For example, if the origin is from the gut, you have to do the catering specifically for such an approach in the intestines intestinal improving its operation, in order to avoid this new acne papule pustulent. Therefore, to improve intestinal function, you will avoid more acne. Therefore, for the next type of acne, which constantly arise until the healing of intestinal problems, you will have to continue to do a new natural treatment of acne lesions pustulent, with the difference that now acne will be lighter, so that light , until it disappeared.

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